veterinary medicine in romania Study medicine abroad Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy Postgraduate Medical Study University of Arad University of Medicine Iasi Student accommodation in Romania

Home International Students Non EU, EEA and SWISS students
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Non  EU, EEA and SWISS students


Before coming to Romania, the non – EU, EEA and Swiss citizens must obtain a valid visa for study in Romania from the Romanian embassies (Romanian ROMANIAN DIPLOMATIC MISSIONS ABROAD) in their own countries. To obtain  student  visa, it can take up to one month. So you are advice to apply for admittance latter early in order to have enough time to apply for student visa.

Students having entered the territory of Romania may apply for the extension of the right of temporary residence and obtain a residence permit. The request filed in this respect must be addressed to the Romanian Office for Immigration within the Romanian Ministry of Administration and Interior.

You can study in Romania with Romanian Scholarship (or scholarship from any other institution) or paying yourself your tuition fee.

At beginning of studies, the international students (foreign students) must prove their  language proficiency in French, English, Deutch or Romanian  according the chosen language of instruction,  or take a test organised by the university.




University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Cluj-Napoca, Targu Mures, Iasi, Timisoara, Constanta, Bucharest, Arad, Oradea, Sibiu, Craiova, etc. in Romania.
Medecine, Dentistry and Pharmacy: English and French programs.

Tuition fees: 3200 to 5000/year, admission without exam!


Admission Requirements  / Medical university application and Admission  /  Postgraduate Medical Study  

International Transfer Students /  Undergraduate & postgraduate studies  /  International Transfer Students 

Tuition fees and living cost  / Studying in Romania  Guide Services / 





English programs :

T. fees: 6000 to 8000 Euro /year!


 Medicine in Romania!

Programs in English:

Programs in French:

Tuition fee:

  5000 to 6000 Euros / year!


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veterinary medicine in romania veterinary medicine abroad Study medicine abroad Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy Postgraduate Medical Study University of Arad University of Medicine Iasi Student accommodation in Romania