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Home University of Medicine Iasi

University of Medicine Iasi

University of medicine and pharmacy of Iasi is one of the oldest and excellent in research and education universities in Romania (2011 Romanian university classification). The application and admission criteria and deadline, tuition fees, transfer credits and living cost are favourable to candidate students.  University of medicine Iasi has 4 Faculties with programs in English, French and Romanian: Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Pharmacy and Faculty of Medical Bioengineering. All Faculties organise undergraduate (Bachelor) and postgraduate programs (Residency, Doctoral Degree, Master’s Degree etc).

The University of Medicine of Iasi is one of the best universities of medicine in Romania. It attracts more that 500 new students from all over the world: UK, Germany, France, Norway, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Nigeria, Namibia, South Africa, India, Pakistan, Canada, New Zeland etc. every year. The medical university of Iasi accept not only new students applying for the first year, but also medical transfer students (who have started medical study somewhere else, have stated or finished studies related to medical studies and would like to finish start medical study in Iasi).

Some medical students are coming for postgraduate studies in Iasi and even if they are English and French programs of medicine, dentistry and pharmacy, some of them prefer to first to follow one preparatory year of Romanian language in order to study in Romanian.

Faculty of Medicine of Iasi Medical University 

  • Medicine: 6 year program, 360 ECTS credits; Medicine in English, French and Romanian;
  • Nursing: 4 year program, 240 ECTS credits; Nursing in Romanian;
  • Nutrition and Dietetics: 3 year program; 180 ECTS credits; Nutrition and Dietetics in Romanian;
  • Residency, Refresher Courses, Master’s programs, PhD/Doctoral programs: the faculty of medicine of Iasi organise all kind of postgraduate programs in Romanian.

Students who do not speak Romanian must follow one year Romanian language course, prior to the beginning of postgraduate program or to all programs available only in Romanian.

Faculty of Dentistry of Iasi Medical University

Dentistry (Dental Medicine):  (6 year program, 360 ECTS credits; Dentistry in English, French and Romanian;
The Dental Medicine Faculty Iasi is one of the most prestigious faculties of Dentistry in Romania and beyond. The history of this faculty has been influenced by numerous personalities of the Romanian medicine. Many of its graduates are representing at present important names for the Romanian and international Stomatology. Its honourable past and the dynamic and modern present constitute the premises for a bright future.
The Dental Medicine Faculty of Iasi was created in 1945 as a department of the Medicine
Faculty under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Nicolae Dutescu and was the first faculty of Dentistry in Romania. Since 1965 it functions as an independent faculty with 6-years full-time courses. After 1989 and especially since 1992 the faculty has been going through a continuous developing process, increasing the number of the staff and of the students and modernizing the specialized clinics endowing them with a modern material.

  Bachelor programs of Faculty of Dentistry

  • Dentistry (Dental Medicine): 6 year program; Dentistry in English, French and Romanian
  • Dental Medicine Nursing: 3 year program; Dental Medicine Nursing in Romanian. The objective of Knowing of Dentistry Nursing specialisation is measures and methods for infection control into the dentistry room, preparation of the patient, instruments and materials necessary to achieve the clinical manoeuvres and the knowing of certain operations and measures specific for the programs of Communitarian and preventive dentistry.
  • •Dentistry Technical: 3 year program; Dentistry Technical in Romania. The objective of Dental Technical specialisation is to study the technology to achieve unidental prosthesis, conjunct gnatoprosthetical apparatus, totally removable and partial removable apparatus and prosthesis on implants.

  Master programs of Faculty of Dentistry

The Dental Medicine Faculty organizes MASTER’S STUDY PROGRAMS with 1 to 2 year duration in various subjects of stomatological, pre-clinical and medico-surgical disciplines. These specializations are intended for the resident medical practitioners, specialized physicians, and biologist of medical unities, professionals of any other field who are involved in medical multidisciplinary research teams and for the potential candidates for the doctor’s degree facilitating their access to the latest scientific outcomes of various fields.
The Dental Medicine Faculty of Iasi is placed among the first best faculties of the country regarding the Master Specialization subjects proposed and approved by the Romanian Ministry of Education.

Some of Master programs in Dentistry in Iasi:

  • Complex rehabilitation techniques for the partial edentulous and the substance loss : 1 year;
  • Oral rehabilitation on implants: 1.5 year;
  • Periodontal rehabilitation through conventional and surgical complex therapies: 1.5 year;
  • Methods and techniques of odonto-periapical morphofunctional rehabilitation: 1 year;
  • Oro-dental public health: 1 year;
  • Sanitary management, bioinformatics and biostatistics: 1.5 year;
  • Paediatric logaoedics: 1.5 year;

 Residencies and Doctorate programs in Iasi Medical University

Faculty of Dentistry of Iasi organise various Doctorate /PhD programs of 4 years for full-time and 5 years part-time and Residency programs duration at Iasi Dentistry Faculty is from 2 to 5 years, depending on specialty.


Faculty of Pharmacy of Iasi Medical University

  Bachelor programs

  • Pharmacy: 5 year program; Pharmacy in English and Romanian

  Master programs

  • Vegetable products: drug, nutritional supplement, food,
  • Management and marketing pharmaceutical

Faculty of Medical Bioengineering of Iasi Medical University

  Bachelor programs

  • Bioengineering: 4 year program in Romanian;
  • Balneo physiotherapy and Rehabilitation: 3 year program in Romanian;

  Master programs

  • Health management: 2 years program;
  • Rehabilitation Bioengineering: 2 years program;
  • Advanced Medical Biotechnology: 2 years program;
  • Prosthestic Bioengineering: 2 years program;
  • Clinical Bioengineering: 2 years program;

Faculty of Bioengineering of University of medicine Iasi, organise also postgraduate studies of expertise and studies of advanced specialization.


Application and Admission to University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Iasi

Admission criteria to University of medicine of Iasi
International students are admitted to the Medical University of Iasi in conformity with the Education and Ordinance on the State Requirements in Republic of Romania for Admission of Romanian and Foreign Students.
Students from countries members of the EU and EEA can apply and study at Medical University of Iasi following the same procedures and under the same conditions applicable for Romanian citizens. The can pass entrance exam in Romanian language with Romanian students and get Romanian scholarship.
Prospective international students interested in all offered undergraduate (programs with Romanian language of instruction) who speak Romanian language (and who do not have a document certifying proficiency in Romanian and issued by a higher institution in the Republic of Romania) can seat for Romanian language test and get Romanian  language certificate upon successful passing the test.
Applicants interested in the Programs in English  or French and do not have international recognised certificate or the language of study is not their first language or they have not done previous studies in the same language  are required to seat  for English  or French  Academic Medical Studies examination at Medical University of Iasi.

General requirements of University of medicine of Iasi
The General requirements of University of medicine of Iasi admission are the same as those of others medical universities in Romania.
The applicant must have passport or equivalent document; have High school diploma and minimum age of 17 years, Self finance for Tuition fees  and living cost during the period of studies,  and he must be in
Good health mentally, physically and without any contagious debases incompatible with his studies and future profession.
Admission requirements and procedure to study in Romania differ according to the nationality of the students and are grouped in two categories: students from EU, EEA an Swiss confederation and student from other countries.

Application deadline to University of medicine of Iasi
Deadline for submission of application documents to University of medicine of Iasi can vary from faculty to faculty, origin of students and annually.
Usually, the last date of application is around the beginning of August, but for students from EU/CEE and Switzerland, this period can be postponed till the beginning of September depending of the applicant number received. Please, visit often the page or contact us or University for more info!

Application documents to Iasi medical University
Application documents to University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Iasi must includ copies of high school leaving certificate or equivalent, high school records, birth certificate, medical certificate, passport or equivalent, certificate of other academic or professional activities.
University of medicine and Pharmacy accept credit transfer (student transfer) from or to other universities.

Transfer students or Credit transfer to Iasi medical University
University of medicine and Pharmacy accept credit transfer (student transfer) from or to other universities.  Credit transfers can be from medical university or to medical related university such us biomedical, biology, biophysics etc universities.
Credit evaluations are completed after transfer students have been admitted and have confirmed their intention to enroll. In general, credit is granted for courses taken at accredited colleges and universities if they are the equivalent of courses offered by Romanian university and with a good grade (courses with a grade of C or better). There is no credit limit on the number of courses that may be transferred from an accredited university.
To transfer to upper year in university of medicine and pharmacy of Iasi, Transfer student must have at least 45/60 ECTS credits or equivalent in order to be placed in up year. The 15/60 ECTS credits must be earned by the end of next academic year.  Transfer students with less than 45/60 ECTS credits or equivalent do not pass to next year, but all credits transferred are recognised and have to pass only those missing.

Tuition fees to University of medicine and pharmacy of Iasi
Tuition fee and living cost in Romania remain the lowest in all European Economic Area.  
Tuition fees to University of medicine and pharmacy of Iasi for medicine, dentistry and pharmacy in English or French is 5000 Euro/year.   Tuition fees must be paid once for international students from outside of EU/EEA and Switzerland especially for the first year. They must pay it after getting acceptance letter and before applying for student visa  
For students from EU/EEA and Switzerland, tuition fee can be paid each 3 month, semester or annually. The first term can be paid after the registration at university in September-October.

To apply to Iasi medical University, please visit medical university application.



University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Cluj-Napoca, Targu Mures, Iasi, Timisoara, Constanta, Bucharest, Arad, Oradea, Sibiu, Craiova, etc. in Romania.
Medecine, Dentistry and Pharmacy: English and French programs.

Tuition fees: 3200 to 5000/year, admission without exam!


Admission Requirements  / Medical university application and Admission  /  Postgraduate Medical Study  

International Transfer Students /  Undergraduate & postgraduate studies  /  International Transfer Students 

Tuition fees and living cost  / Studying in Romania  Guide Services / 





English programs :

T. fees: 6000 to 8000 Euro /year!


 Medicine in Romania!

Programs in English:

Programs in French:

Tuition fee:

  5000 to 6000 Euros / year!


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veterinary medicine in romania veterinary medicine abroad Study medicine abroad Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy Postgraduate Medical Study University of Arad University of Medicine Iasi Student accommodation in Romania