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Home Romanian Medical University studies

Romanian  Medical Universities


Romanian Medical Universities: Study general medicine, dental medicine (dentistry), pharmacy etc. in English, in French or Romanian in Cluj-Napoca, Iasi, Timisoara, Craiova, Bucharest, Arad, Oradea, Constanta, Targu- Jiu, Sibiu medical universities. Non entrance exam, admission based on previous academic records and marks in Biology, chemistry, Maths and and eventually other academic or professional activities. Most of Romanian Medical Universities are known as University of medicine and pharmacy in Romania and have faculties of medicine, dentistry and pharmacy.


Romanian Medical School Program Structure


International students can choose to study medicine, dentistry or pharmacy in Romania in English, in French or in Romanian language. Most of University of medicine and pharmacy in Romania have undergraduate programs in English, French and Romania, postgraduate programs in Romanian and medical preparatory year program.
Coming to Romania would make it really cheap for you. Accommodations, food, tuition fees, going out’s- even if we include all that, you are not going to need more than 400-700 euro per month. Can you believe it? You may not completely realize it, but you should know that 400-700 Euros per month is rather a small sum which you would have to pay for studying abroad.
Of course,  small and large sum is quite subjective, depending on the standards which you are used to. Anyway, it could be claimed for sure that the schools teaching medicine in Romania will offer a great proficiency of the subject at very reasonable prices.


Romanian  Medical Universities:

Cluj Napoca Medical University

Cluj Napoca Medical University also called University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca is the continuation of the Medicine and Pharmacy Faculty, founded in 1919 at Cluj, as part of Cluj University. With over 850 teachers and researchers, The medical university of Cluj Napoca has undergraduate programs long cycle (5 to 6 years), Short-cycle (3 to 4 years) and several post graduate programs organized into 5 faculties.

University of Medicine Cluj trough faculties of medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry and Bioengineering organise several undergraduate (short and long term programs) and postgraduate (Master, PhD/Doctorate, Residency and other courses) programs. The admission to Cluj medical University is by application file evaluation and selection.

Long program University Degree:

  • Faculty of General Medicine (6 years - in Romanian, English and  French), 
  • Faculty of Dental Medicine ( 6 years - in Romanian, English and French),
  • Faculty of Pharmacy (5 years - in Romanian, English and French),

Short program University:

  • Nursing - 4 study years
  • Midwifery - 4 study years
  • Radiology and Medical Imaging - 3 study years
  • Clinical Laboratory - 3 study years
  • Balneo-Physio-Kinesitherapy and Rehabilitation - 3 study years
  • Dental Techniques - 3 study years
  • Dental Hygienist – 3 study years
  • Nutrition and Dietetics – 3 study years

University Degree:

Faculty of Medicine of Cluj - Napoca Medical University

Degree: Medical Doctor (M.D.)

The faculty has a strong strategy of development, ensuring a modern, high quality medical education system in accordance with international standards. As a result of these high education standards and our strict evaluation criteria, the overall results of the latest residency contests has placed our graduates in primary positions at national level.

3648 students are enrolled, studying under the supervision of 587 academics from 72 departments.


Faculty of Deantistry of Cluj - Napoca Medical University

Degree: Dentist (D.D.) 

The priorities of the Faculty place considerable emphasis on the development of multidisciplinary skills: observation, practicals, clinical, communication, computer, team work and management skills New study disciplines have been introduced, such as: occlusology, implantology, oral pathology and dental community medicine, in accordance with international higher education criteria. At present, 1604 students attend the courses of this Faculty, working under the supervision of 108 academics from 14 chairs.

Faculty of Farmacy of Cluj - Napoca Medical University

Degree: Pharmacist 

The Faculty of Pharmacy has a complex structure including teaching staff and laboratories for all fundamental and specialty study disciplines. After 1989, new targets were initiated: the computerization of the education process, restructuring of the curricula according to contemporary European standards by adopting the transferable credit system as a basis for international mobility grants and prizes for students. 1257 students are enrolled, studying under the supervision of 48 academics from 21 chairs.

Short-cycle programmes:

Nursing and midwifery of Cluj - Napoca Medical University

Degree: Graduate nurse/ Graduate midwife

The programme belongs to the Faculty of Medicine - initiator of this program, as a response to national priorities.

20 academics from 26 chairs are responsible for the teaching process.

Radiology and medical imaging of Cluj - Napoca Medical University

Degree: Radiology Technician

The programme was created in 1995, through the initiative of the Department of Radiology and Imaging, accepting 25 students annually. The programme trains medical staff essential for the highest level of diagnostic medicine using sophisticated imaging technology and radiotherapy techniques. 75 students are enrolled, studying under the supervision of 30 academics from 11 chairs.

Clinical Laboratory of Cluj - Napoca Medical University

Degree: Laboratory technician

The programme belongs to the Faculty of Medicine - initiator of this program, as a response to national priorities.

20 academics from 19 chairs are responsible for the teaching process.

Dental Techniciansof Cluj - Napoca Medical University

Degree: Dental Technician
Director: Prof.dr.Alin Şerbănescu

Created in 1993, the programme is offered by the Faculty of Dentistry - initiator of this program, as a response to national priorities.

84 students are enrolled for studies working under the supervision of 35 academics from 6 chairs.


Director: Prof.dr. Radu Badea – Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs

The doctoral school of “Iuliu Hatieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy is a recent, but developing institutional structure.

In the construction of its curricula, we have started from the structure of education programs built by similar higher education institutions from around the world and especially from the identification of the subjects considered to be essential for the harmonious training of a young researcher. The doctoral degree is organized in two ways: with attendance (4 year) and without attendance (6 year). At the end of the doctoral program, after oral presentation of the doctorate thesis and the confirmation of the scientific title awarded, the degree of "Doctor in Medicine" or "Doctor in Pharmacy" is given. In our University there are 96 scientific directors in 36 specialties (30 in medicine and 6 in pharmacy).


Romanian  Medical Universities:

University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila of Bucharest
Established in 1857 under the name National School of Medicine and Pharmacy by French expatriate medic Carol Davila, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy  was the first medical school in Romania. In 1869 it became a department in the newly created University of Bucharest.The first doctoral degrees were granted in 1873, and the doctoral degree became the de facto graduation in 1888.
Today, It comprises three major colleges:

  • Faculty of Medicine (in English and Romanian)
  • Faculty of Dentistry (in Romanian)
  • Faculty of Pharmacy (in Romanian)


Romanian  Medical University :

Oradea University, Faculty Of Medicine and Pharmacy
English Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of the University of Oradea was established in 1991. It is one of the oldest English teaching in Romania.
It also one of well equipped University High quality modern medical apparatus including; Spectrophotometer with UV, Microscope with photo camera, Histology, COBAS biochemistry analyzer, AVL blood flatus, ionogramme, Coulter-hematology, Elisa lines,  Color Doppler with 3D reconstruction, ESVL litotritor, Thomograph computer, Fibriscope, Caelioscopes, Diagnostic tools for Abdominal Surgery and Urology, Computer ECG, Hemodialyser, Apparatus for coronary monitoring, Scintigraph, Apparatus for mammography, Endocavitary ECG, Myelograms, Microscope for interventions, Apparatus for liposuction, Portable RX apparatus with memory, Endocavitary magnetic amplifier, Apparatus for Genetics labs, Cardiotocographs, Installation for thermotherapy, Complete dental units (photo polymerization), Endoscopes, Radiology equipment, CT scans, etc.

The faculty of medicine and farmacy of  Oradea comprises different programs in english and romanian.

Faculty of Medicine and Farmacy of Oradea:

  • General Medicine (in English, french  and  Romanian)
  • Dentistry in English and  Romanian)
  • Pharmacy (in Romanian)

Admission to Medical English program of University of Oradea is based on application file selection and test in Biology and Chemistry and proficiency in English.


Romanian  Medical Universities:

Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy  of Timisoara
The school was founded as a modest faculty on 30 December 1944.

  •   Faculty of General Medicine (in English, french and  Romanian)
  •   Faculty of Dentistry (in English and  Romanian)
  •   Faculty of Pharmacy (in French  and  Romanian)

Today, there are 4273 students studying General Medicine in English – 6 years at the University, 1108 of them are foreigners coming from : Albania, Austria, Bosnia, Canada, Cyprus, Egypt, Ethiopia, France, Germany, Greece, Ghana, Hungary, India, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Italy, Kenya, Lesotho, Lebanon, Republic of Macedonia, Morocco, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Palestine, Moldova, United States of America, United Kingdom, Syria, Sudan, Sweden, Tunisia, Ukraine, Yemen, Serbia, Montenegro.
Tuition fee for academic year 2011/2012 is:

  • 3200 EURO for Non-EU Students
  • 4000EURO for EU students

Romanian  Medical Universities:

 Constanta Medical School (Ovidius Univrsity of Constanta)

Ovidius University Constanta was founded in 1961. The medical faculty was established in 1990. Its medical school is one of the youngest in the country but also one of the modernized medical school among Romanian universities. It currently holds English programs for Medicine.

  • Faculty of General Medicine (in English or Romanian)
  • Faculty of Dentistry (Romanian)
  • Faculty of Pharmacy (Romanian)

Tuition fee for academic year 2011/2012 is:
-undergraduate program: 3600 EURO/year for all international students
-Master  and PhD progamm: 388 EURO/year for all international students


Romanian  Medical Universities:

University of Medicine and Pharmacy Targu Mure
The Institute of Medicine and Pharmacy of Târgu-Mures was founded in 1945, the tteaching language being Hungarian. The medical tteaching in Romanian was introduced in 1962. In 1990, the Institute was turned into the University of Medicine and Pharmacy, having both Romanian and Hungarian as tteaching languages.
Today, it has3 faculties:

  • Faculty of Medicine (in English and in Romanian)
  • Faculty of Dentistry (in Romanian)
  • Faculty of Pharmacy (in Romanian)

Romanian  Medical Universities: 

G.T Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy Iasi

Founded in 1879 as a Faculty of Medicine, later being associated with other two institutions which complete the medical instruction area (the Faculty of pharmacy and the Faculty of Dentistry), Is one of the oldest Romanian schools.
In 1991, the institute receives the status of University and the name of the famous representative of the School of Functional Anatomy in Iasi, Grigore T. Popa. Later on, the Faculty of Medical Bioengineering was also included, the only one of the kind in the country.
The university is proud today of its valuable professors and the material basis and modern technique, appropriate for the didactic and scientific research activity processes.
The language of instruction are Romanian and English.

Undergraduate programs available:

  • The Medical Faculty (6 years program in English, french  and in Romanian) 
  • The Faculty of Dental Medicine (English, french  and Romanian)
  • The Faculty of Pharmacy (english and Romanian)
  • The Faculty of Medical Bioengineering (Romanian only)

University of Medicine Iasi trough faculties of medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry and Bioengineering organise several undergraduate (short and long term programs) and postgraduate (Master, PhD/Doctorate, Residency and other courses) programs. The admission to Iasi medical University is by application file evaluation and selection.


 Romanian  Medical Universities:

University of Medicine Craiova


University of medicine Craiova is one of the best Romanian medical universities with medical study programs in English.  International students are mostly attracted by University of medicine Craiova because of its English 6 years medical study program and 2 years English Master Degree Program in Medical Informatics and Biostatistics. The admission is based on application file selection without entrance exam.


Both University of medicine Craiova and civic community welcome students from all over the world: Romanians from the whole country including the towns with institutions similar to University of medicine Craiova and International Students (from Europe. Asia, Africa, America etc.). At Craiova University of medicine, students play an important role in the development strategy in such a way that student leaders represent 25% of the Senate and of the faculty's board.


The tuition set by the Senate of UMF Craiova for medical study (medicine, 6 year program) in English
is 5000 Euro / year. For medical study (medicine, dental medicine, pharmacy) in Romanian, the tuition fee is 3200 Euro/year. The tuition fee for Romanian preparatory course for those who wish to study medicine in Romanian is 2700 Euro for one year.


Romanian  Medical University:

Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dental Medicine of Arad University


University of Arad or University Vasile Goldis also colled Western University "Vasile Goldiş" of Arad  has faculty of Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Economy, Law, Humanities, political and administration science, Natural Sciences, Engineering and Informatics, Education, Psychology, Physical Education and Sport, in Romanian, English and French (for some programs) .


Private university, Arad University is accredited by Romanian Ministry of Education and degrees issued are recognised in all European countries and beyond. Among programs in English and French at University of Arad, the most known is medicine in English, French and Romanian: 6 year program.


After 6 years of general medicine or Dentistry, 5 years of pharmacy, Doctors can continue studies of Specialisation, Doctorate, Residency or Master in odontology, medicine, pharmacy or related fields in Romania.


Studying in Romania Guide                                     Medical university application and admission








University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Cluj-Napoca, Targu Mures, Iasi, Timisoara, Constanta, Bucharest, Arad, Oradea, Sibiu, Craiova, etc. in Romania.
Medecine, Dentistry and Pharmacy: English and French programs.

Tuition fees: 3200 to 5000/year, admission without exam!


Admission Requirements  / Medical university application and Admission  /  Postgraduate Medical Study  

International Transfer Students /  Undergraduate & postgraduate studies  /  International Transfer Students 

Tuition fees and living cost  / Studying in Romania  Guide Services / 





English programs :

T. fees: 6000 to 8000 Euro /year!


 Medicine in Romania!

Programs in English:

Programs in French:

Tuition fee:

  5000 to 6000 Euros / year!


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veterinary medicine in romania veterinary medicine abroad Study medicine abroad Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy Postgraduate Medical Study University of Arad University of Medicine Iasi Student accommodation in Romania