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Home Medical university program

Medical university program in Romania

Medical university program in Romania  is  allmost similar for  all medical universities and folows the same structure.

Below is a list of the yearly course structure and subjects covered.


Medical university program in Romania:

1st Year of English Medical Program - 2 Semesters (60 credits)

  1. Anatomy
  2. Physiology
  3. Biophysics
  4. Biochemestry
  5. Cellular and Molecular Biology
  6. Medical Mathematics
  7. Foreign Language
  8. Romanian Language
  9. Summer Practical Period: 2 weeks - 30 Hours/Week (elective in any medical speciality and hospital decided by the student)

Medical university program in Romania:

2nd Year of English Medical Program - 2 Semesters (60 credits)

  1. Genetical Anatomy
  2. Topographical Anatomy
  3. Physiology
  4. Virology
  5. Parasitology
  6. Histology
  7. Genetics
  8. Foreign Language
  9. Summer Practical Period 2 weeks - 30 Hours/Week
  10. Romanian Language
  11. Medical Psychology
  12. Medical Pedagogy

3rd Year of English Medical Program - 2 Semesters (60 credits)

  1. Anato-Pathology
  2. Pathophysiology
  3. Medical Semiology
  4. General Immunology
  5. Pharmacology
  6. Clinical Immunology
  7. Surgical Semiology
  8. Summer Practical Period 2 weeks - 30 Hours/Week
  9. Sanogenetic Education


Medical university program in Romania:

4th Year of English Medical Program - 2 Semesters (60 credits)

  1. Internal Medicine
  2. Clinical Pharmacology
  3. Radiology
  4. Urology
  5. Traumatology and Orthopedics
  6. Surgery
  7.  Medical Emergencies
  8. Hygiene
  9. Traditional Medicine
  10. Child Abuse
  11. Summer Practical Period 2 weeks - 30 Hours/Week

Medical university program in Romania:

5th Year of English Medical Program - 2 Semesters (60 credits)

  1. Internal Medicine
  2. Stomotology
  3. Neurology
  4. Pediatrics
  5. Infantile Surgery and Orthopedics
  6. Endocrynology
  7. E.N.T
  8. Ophtalmology
  9. Oncology
  10. Clinical Genetics
  11. Pneumophysiology
  12. Summer Practical Period 2 weeks - 30 Hours/Week

Medical university program in Romania:

6th Year of English Medical Program - 2 Semesters (60 credits)

  1. Obstetrics - Gynecology
  2. Psychiatry
  3. Dermatology
  4. Infectious Diseases
  5. Epidemiology
  6. Polyclinic
  7. Clinical and therapeutical Synthesis, Medical and surgical emergencies
  8. Public Health
  9. Balneophysiotherapy and Rheumatology
  10. Forensic Medicine
  11. Family Planning and Sex Education
  12. History of Medicine
  13. Summer Practical Period 2 weeks - 30 Hours/Week

Medical university program in Romania:

Optional Disciplines

  • Modern Methods for Morphophysiological Exploration
  • Biomedical Equipment
  • Tropical Diseases and Hygiene
  • Ethics, Dentology and Legal Medicine
  • Immunopathology
  • Infantile Neuropsychiatry
  • Medical Imagistics
  • Oncological Hematology
  • Bioethics
  • Chronobiology
  • Acupuncture
  • Homeopathy
  • Cellular Biology
  • Molecular Pathology
  • Family Planning


Medical university program in Romania:


Romanian Universities are compliant with the ECTS system.

In ECTS, 60 credits represent the workload of one year of study; with 30 credits given for a semester. More info on the European Credit Transfer System.


Medical university program in Romania:

Grade Definition

  9-10:  Excellent: outstanding performance with little or no errors
      8: Very Good: above the average standard with some errors
      7: Good:
      6: Satisfactory:
      5: Sufficient: performance meets the minimum criteria
      4:  Fail: more work required before the credit can be awarded
   1-3: Fail

In Romania, the Transcript of Records indicates the credits and the grades according to both the Romanian system and ECTS.

The number of credits are computed according to a 40 hour work week. 30 credits, allocated to a semester, is divided by 40 to obtain the number of credits for one work hour. This number of credits is multiplied by the number of hours per week allocated to each subject to obtain the total number of credits for one subject per semester.

Students may transfer between any university that supports the ECTS system. The transcript issued by the university indicates the number of credits successfully completed by the applicant.

Students transfering from any university that  do not follows  the ECTS system  must  provide transcript of records, issued by the faculty they have studied abroad, presenting the following information: the names of the studied disciplines; the total number of  hours for theoretical and practical classes; the marks obtained in each discipline; the grading system in the respective country.
This transcript of records should be in English or French or translated into English, French or Romanian language and legalized first   at the ministry of foreigner affaires  of the issuing country, and then at the Romanian Embassy in the respective country. For those countries who have signed the Hague convection, the documents can authenticate by the apostille by the authorized authority.



University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Cluj-Napoca, Targu Mures, Iasi, Timisoara, Constanta, Bucharest, Arad, Oradea, Sibiu, Craiova, etc. in Romania.
Medecine, Dentistry and Pharmacy: English and French programs.

Tuition fees: 3200 to 5000/year, admission without exam!


Admission Requirements  / Medical university application and Admission  /  Postgraduate Medical Study  

International Transfer Students /  Undergraduate & postgraduate studies  /  International Transfer Students 

Tuition fees and living cost  / Studying in Romania  Guide Services / 





English programs :

T. fees: 6000 to 8000 Euro /year!


 Medicine in Romania!

Programs in English:

Programs in French:

Tuition fee:

  5000 to 6000 Euros / year!


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veterinary medicine in romania veterinary medicine abroad Study medicine abroad Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy Postgraduate Medical Study University of Arad University of Medicine Iasi Student accommodation in Romania