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Home Economics in Romania

Economics in Romania


Economics study in Romania is committed to critical thinking, connected to business international focused.  Bachelor and Master Programs of International Business, Computer Science for Economics, Business administration, Advanced Studies of Business administration, European Finance and control, etc. are available in English, French, German or Romanian.  Student are exposed to basic economic studies but also to more specific  field like Finance, marketing, accounting are the main economic fields.


Economics study in Romania

Undergraduate economics programs, Masters in economics or graduate economics programs and economics PhD programs or Doctorate programs in all accredited universities of Economics Universities follow the Bologna system in 3 years for the undergraduate (Bachelor), 2 years for the graduate studies (Master) and 3 years for Doctoral Studies.

Economics study programs in Romania:

  • Bachelor program (1st cycle): 3-year program with 180 credits, at the end of which students receive a Bachelor's degree in Economics,
  • Master program: (2nd cycle): 2-year program with 120 credits, at the of which students receive a scientific Master's degree,
  • Doctorate programs (PhD programs or 3rd cycle): 3-year program, at the end of which students receive a Doctor's degree,

Undergraduate economics programs

Each academic year (divided into 2 semesters), the curriculum provides minimum 60 transferable study credits (30 credits per semester). There are six semesters in three years. A semester typically has 14 weeks. The 3rd semester has 11 weeks + 3 allocated for the mandatory internship, and the 6th semester has 12 weeks + 2 allocated for completion of the graduation paper.
For the first three semesters, regardless of the curriculum, students study a set of basic economic subjects. This includes basic economic concepts on Micro/Macroeconomics, Statistics, Mathematics, Accounting, Management, Marketing or Finance.
The second part of the economics programs (the last three semesters) are more focused on one of the economic specializations such as Finance and Banking, Management and Accounting and Business Data Processing, Computer Science for Economics, International Business, Marketing, etc.

Basic compulsory economic courses:

  • Microeconomics
  • European Economy
  • Mathematics Applied in Economics
  • Management
  • Public Finance
  • Business Language: French, German, Italian or Spanish
  • Macroeconomics
  • Financial and Actuarial Mathematics
  • Basic Accounting
  • Computer Science
  • Statistics
  • Corporate Finance
  • Financial Accounting
  • Basic Marketing
  • Data Base and Programming

For the first three semesters of Undergraduate economics programs, most economic universities offer also elective courses directly related to the business area like Business Ethics, World Economics or Introduction to Company Management or with a broad perspective over the society like Methodology of Scientific Research, Political Science, Logics or Institutional Community Law.
For the last three semesters of Undergraduate economics programs, Economic Universities in Romania offer also different courses according to the selected area of specialization.

Courses based on specialization

Finance specialization: Banking Institutions and Monetary Mechanism, Financial Markets, Managerial Accounting, Financing Direct Investments, Financial Analysis, Econometrics, Budget and Public Treasury, Banking Marketing, Insurance, Accounting in Public Administration or International Finance as compulsory courses and other 3 packages with elective courses with specialized disciplines not only from the finance area, but also from other business areas directly connected to finance.

Management specialization:  Production Management, Small Business, Service Management, Investment Management, Quality Assurance and Management, Labor Management, Operation Management, Logistics, Marketing Policies, Human Resource Management, Strategic Management or Supply Management as compulsory courses and  also elective courses, not only from the management area but also from other business segments - marketing, finance, accounting or computers.

Most of economics courses offered University of Economy in Romania are taught in Romanian. However,  some programmers are available in English, French or even German.

Bachelor programs in English:

  • Business Administration  (english, French, german or Romanian),
  • Business Administration (English);
  • Finance and Banking (english or Romanian),
  • Management and Accounting (english or Romanian),
  • Business Data Processing - Cybernetics (english or Romanian);
  • International Business and Economics (english or Romanian),
  • International Business (english or Romanian),
  • Computer Science for Economics (english or Romanian),
  • Finance and Banking (english or Romanian),
  • Management (French, english or Romanian),

Masters in economics in Romania

Students with Bachelor degree in Economics or equivalent can continue his economics studies truth several master programs or graduate economics programs taught in English, French, German or Romanian.

Master programs are designed for 2 years (120 credits) which is equivalent to 4 semesters.

The master programs give students more opportunities in having direct contacts with professors or students from other countries, more opportunities for exchanges on different ways, more chances in finding jobs, especially in the European enlarged space, but also in other parts of the world and for our faculty.

Masters prigrams in English:

  • International Business and Economics (English, French, German);
  • Accounting and Management Information Systems (English);
  • Business Administration (english, French, german or Romanian),
  • Business Accounting (english or Romanian),
  • Entrepreneurship and Business Management (english or Romanian),
  • International Business Management (english or Romanian),
  • Finance and Risk Management (english or Romanian),
  • Business Management in European Context(French or Romanian),
  • International Corporate Finance(english or Romanian),

Doctorate programs in Romania

Most of Universities of economics in Romania offer also PhD programs (doctoral studies). Some PhD programs are available in English or French.
They are several PhD programs in English:

  • Management, Accounting, Finance,
  • Marketing,
  • Economics and International Affairs,
  • Cybernetics and Economic Data Processing,

Economic doctoral studies in Romania are as follows: the first year complains a number of courses related to the subject of thesis; the other two are dedicated to the presentation of a number of scientific papers (parts of the doctoral thesis) in front of the staff of specific departments ended by   thesis presentation.





University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Cluj-Napoca, Targu Mures, Iasi, Timisoara, Constanta, Bucharest, Arad, Oradea, Sibiu, Craiova, etc. in Romania.
Medecine, Dentistry and Pharmacy: English and French programs.

Tuition fees: 3200 to 5000/year, admission without exam!


Admission Requirements  / Medical university application and Admission  /  Postgraduate Medical Study  

International Transfer Students /  Undergraduate & postgraduate studies  /  International Transfer Students 

Tuition fees and living cost  / Studying in Romania  Guide Services / 





English programs :

T. fees: 6000 to 8000 Euro /year!


 Medicine in Romania!

Programs in English:

Programs in French:

Tuition fee:

  5000 to 6000 Euros / year!


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veterinary medicine in romania veterinary medicine abroad Study medicine abroad Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy Postgraduate Medical Study University of Arad University of Medicine Iasi Student accommodation in Romania